Today is the day, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. After more than 5 years of wait,
stevo is getting back into the wakeboard scene!! on his first day back in the waters, he will join
chris and
bryan on a 10 hours session to pick up where he left off.
priscellia went first, followed by
chris and
bryan. all of them were seasoned pros with their usual array of party tricks, flips and hops. btw,the rumors are true.
kid can "fly" when boarding. its no stunt double.
(see insert)
the kid "flew"..the pressure is mounting...can
stevo impresses on the long-awaited return?? no one is sure. the looks on his face tells it all. total concentration as he listened to the coach, absorbing every single detail.
the man is ready...the boat engines starts...the rope starts to tighten...
new sensation stevo manages to stand on his first attempt
(although he soon crashes back into the water) !!! everyone was dumb-struck. how can this be possible??

1st time out...
crash and burn...on his 2nd round in the water,
new sensation stevo was carving S between the wake, trying 180 turns, single hand, getting toe-side, heel-side of the wake!!! we can only await what this new wakeboarding sensation does when he's back in the water's again....jumps? moby dicks? 1080?
new sensation...quote from the man of the day:
"its all about letting loose. left the boat do all the work. u r just along for the ride"p.s.
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