Tuesday, June 28, 2005

i olso wanna go

scottie f is going to sangalaki for a week long diving!!! and this he told me at the very last minute. arrrgghh.... i olso wanna go. its MANTA season. confirm plus guarantee plus chop got mantas. else the resort refund your money (i think)!! in addition to the mantas highlights, there's also kakaban lake with numerous stingless jellyfishes!! bloody scott dare to be funni and comfort me by saying will take more pics of mantas to show me!! bugger!!!

for all interested....here's the breakdown:
> flight from singapore to balikpapan, 15000 freq flyer pts return
> flight from balikpapan to some ulu pan dan place, USD80 one-way
> each night at sangalaki dive resort, USD250
> tip the resort staff, USD50
> seeing mantas until u sianz, confirm priceless

Saturday, June 25, 2005

bloody hell

just recieved my phone bill. expected the figure to top my previous month bill of 70+ SGD (i've been using it in work). imagine my surprise to see the final figure on my bill. Bloody Hell!! A whopping SGD142.38!!!. Double the amount for the previous month!!!!

I have to go back to check my employment contract to see if my phone allowance can cover this outrageous sum of money....

morale of the story: one. get more phone allowance. two. hub

Monday, June 20, 2005

pimp nite

16th june 2005. thursday. arranged with geoff previously to hit singapore greatest club of all time; zouk. so geoff and me and rob (a canadian he picked up along the way) took a cab to kim seng road.

(in the cab)
geoff: "so steve, are there gonna be heaps of fine women in zouk later?"
rob: "yeah! i haven't had a good laid since i came to singapore!"
steve: "should be plenty" (beginning to feel like a pimp)

unfortunately (fortunately) zouk was having some private function. "air crew & guest only". with my horny ang-moh frens, we headed down to chijmes lookin for some action. 1st stop was la cave. all ang-moh patrons. eye feast for us. however, we had to wait until stefan (another canadian) arrived before the missles were launched.

(stefan's approach)
stefan: "i like to see you naked..."
local girl: "sorry, we are busy right now..."
ang-moh: *smiles* ....

(rob's approach)
rob (sober): "can i buy you a drink?"
rob (wasted): "im staying at ritz carlton. wanna join me?"
local girl: (too soft so cannot hear response)
ang-moh: "really?? too bad im flying off early tomorrow to dubai"

next stop, i pimped them out to women in insomnia. no luck there either. new asia bar was closed by the time we reached there. not giving up, we went down to mohammed sultan. double O, mdm wong & cu, we visited them all. the canadians try & try but no luck. at the unearthly hours of 0300 am, they dragged geoff and me down to boat quay for one last hurrah.

im hapless to assist them since my lines were crap as well. usually its the girls that initiate the conversations with me. haha.

moral of the story. never go clubbing on a thursday night. especially with canadians

Thursday, June 16, 2005

flyboy material

im contemplating of selling out after Priscella Priscilla dangled a piece of cheese in front of me. a "SQ steward" cheese to be exact. i was tempted by how it would be all glam and stress-free, on top of what it can do to my bank account. i mean how difficult would it be to ask "miss....chicken or fish?"

the bad news is oliver mentioned that a flyboy requires certain qualities...some of which i seems to be lacking =(

a) posture. i slouches on occassions. a flyboy needs to stand straight. all the fuckin time
b) language. no more "hwat", "whatever", "i dunno", "dude", etc. lingo is out
c) confidence. seriously lackin due to inferior complexities. i.e. i need to speak confidently but not appear cocky (how do u do that?). walking also. oli mentioned that me walking is like a drunk person walking

conclusion: i need to go for the 2 weeks jungle oliver confidence course to be successful for this

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


this week will be a killer. i'll definately gonna be zombied by the end of the week. birthdays, visiting frens, project tenders, etc. you named it

yesterday. project tender. starting working in the unearthly hours of 0730hrs.
the best bits is...
there's no BT (before-time...inverse of overtime) pay. ok ok... im not funny

tuesday. photo-shoot for contest. location's at joy's opi (ndi's short form for office)
the best bits is...
the contest is rigged. we are sure winners. hahahaha

wednesday. oli's birthday party. in winebar/zouk
the best bits is...
last time before offically considered overaged for mambo

thursday. geoff's in town for a visit. dinner & drinks
the best bits is...
he'll intro me to his cousin working for jetstar asia. maybe i'll get special rates for flying!!

friday. singstar competition in balestier (maybe after batman)
the best bits is...
singing competition to tops gene's 9000 points cover of hoobastank's the reason

discovery of the week"
i've officially found VB stubbies here, in singapore! u'll find the usual cans here and there but never stubbies. yesterday must be my luckly day. for all you silly people who do not know what a stubby is, check out the pic below. =)

VB stubby

Sunday, June 12, 2005

celebrate the sea II

i have only managed to salvage a total of five pics. didn't take many to start with and many were out of focus. i know i know, u boys can curse and swear at me for this... i didn't take any pictures with all the hot girls. guess i must have left my balls at home. my mistake....will do better next time round. =)

(above: stan & steve)

celebrate the sea

its been a week since celebrate the sea and i've yet to post the pictures up yet. Forgive me but i'll try to put them up tonight.

Friday, June 10, 2005

gettin personal

friday. the last day of work in the week. the day when divers depart for weekend diving in aur/dayang/tioman. friday is also the day where my boss likes to get personal with his comments...

last week.
boss: "why you wear pink? too funky for work."
(im wearing a G2K workshirt, pink & white stripes)

boss: "why your hair today so messy? never comb?"
(i spiked up my hair with gel..like every other day)

next week. (anticipated)
boss: "why you so skinny? no money to eat ah?"
(im losing weight because of irregular diet due to work)

get the idea???

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

what i want in life?

"what do you want in life?" that was the question posed to me by june last night. i found myself stumped by it, not knowing how to answer her question. seems that ive allowed the past 26 years to sail by without knowing what i wanna do in life or how im gonna do it.

disgusted with my lack of drive and her nagging wrong, preaching wrong also..whats the word...ah.. concern, i decided to improve myself by listing down the stuff i wanna accomplish by the end of this year. think i'll start small before i attempt the "in my life" part.

I wanna:
1) become a PADI rescue diver
2) be on the same wavelength as my boss
3) volunteer more with Blue Waters Volunteer
4) find joy when performing my job
5) save SGD300 a month
6) gain another 5 kg. hopefully not in midsection

oh yah. also try to down more than 2 heini a nite. cheers..

Friday, June 03, 2005

chains in blogsphere

i've requested for raine's interview as im experiencing a dry spell recently. in terms of creativity and ideas. dats its. DO NOT question me or have your thoughts wander anywhere else!! here are the questions and answers:

1)If you could date any celebrity, who would she be and why?
really??? i can date a celeb meh??? i dunno...eh, like carrie from perfect 10 alot, can do with a bit more of her spunkyness in my life!!!

2)If given a chance, would you go for eXtreme makeover?
sure, gimme bigger shoulders anytime...=)

3)Which reality tv show would you like to appear on?
tough choice between amazing race & big brother. i think i'll go for big brother. its got little to no stress, hotties and funny people. plus i'll get to be a celeb when i got evicted!!!!

4)Name 10 people who are important to you.
(no order of preferences)
a. mom, for bringing me into existence
b. dad, his contribution in a.
c. gene, for the star wars adventure in toys r us
d. gary, for sharing cab with me after midnite
e. mike, my dive buddy
f. s.l, for lunching with me when free
g. cyn, for the scars
h. mambo, for not judging me
i. my boss, cos he pays my salary
j. gina, for showing me how to cheat & lie
k. oli, for my updates on gossips

5)If you chanced upon SG$10,000, what would you do with it?
i'll buy the gang 2 rounds of drinks in balacalva, get mom & dad a nice holiday n myself new diving gear top with a liveonboard in palau.

That marks the end of the interview. Anyone who wanna volunteer for the interview(it might not be the same questions), just drop me a comment.

Was too lazy to retype the game rules thus ripped this off raine's.

The Official Interview Game Rules
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions — each person’s will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

messed up

"Her contempt for me was so strong, that it became infectious, and I caught it." - Charles Dickens

read some touchy stuff recently that struck a cord in me. i look around and there are heaps of couples who are in love. couple who gushes when talking about one other. couples who care and comfort their partners in times of need. couples who HAVE and CAN withstand the test of time. look at s.l n june. look at kid n pris

i opened my eyes and looked around again. i see people who love but not loved in return. people who poured their heart and soul into love but only to get their heart broken. this is part and parcel of life u say but un-reciprocated love have brought men to tears in public, women anguish in private. look at pip, look at hannes.

relationships are always a problem to me. i have no capacity to commit. i want to jump but lack to courage to dive deep. i seek true love but fear more the rejection. i believe time can heal everything but those old wounds still bear the scars. or maybe its just that im too messed up to begin with.

i cannot help but wonder who the fuck, has all these scripted? why has cupid struck some with his arrows and missed others? and i envy. i envy couples who are in love and more so, THOSE who are being loved. were they to know the depths of feeling others have for them, they would requite the love. i dunno about you but the current me would.

envy [en·vies]
A feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another.